Attention membership site owners:

Double Your Sales Conversions Experiment

Do you have a membership offer that is not converting the way you want?


Are you willing to let me experiment on you?

I Am Testing Out Some  New Underground
Consumer Psychology Tactics

What is the Double Your Sales Conversions Experiment?

This is a secret scientific experiment that is free to join (if you qualify)
Where I will take  “my testers”  who are struggling to get members to join their membership program and I will arm them with a super persuasive rejection-proof offer.

I will equip them with battle-tested member attraction tactics,

and turn you into a persuasion ninja!

With one single objective: to boost your sales conversion rate to  Double your Sales conversion numbers in the most effortless and painless way possible.

What do you get?
  • I will personally go through our secret weapon of mass persuasion called the Persuasion Sales Audit. You could have the best offer in the world,  the most magnificent brand, and a marketing funnel that ticks all the boxes, but if your sales system falls flat, then you don’t really have a business. 
  • you’ll get clarity on what you need to do to lock, seal and stamp your sales system so that no sale remains unsold!
  • yes it’s actually me personally, All-Access pass to my brain for 45min to 1 hour
Who is this for?
  • you have a membership site
  • you want your sales page to convert better
  • you want to get more of your ideal members, those that never want to leave
  • you want to boost your retention rate
  • you have a “I’ll give it a shot and see” attitude and not a “it won’t work for me” because there are some new ninja level persuasion stuff I’ll ask you to try
  • you agree to take action, do the work and report your results
  • you agree to provide feedback and a testimonial following  the call and sharing your numbers
What happens after the audit?

  • You’ll have a battle-tested plan to optimize your sales system and attract your ideal members ready to be implemented.
  • you’ll have learned new persuasion strategies that will serve you for years and that you’ll be able to apply in your email marketing, content creation and social media presence.

A perfectly persuasive sales page will keep people fully immersed in your writing, so you can actually sell them your point of view, while they’ll feel empowered that they have made the right choice.

Why only 5 spots

Because it is 1 on 1 with me and I want to make sure I give you all my attention and everything you need. Plus, there is nothing like a deadline to light a fire under your butt.

And also because the stuff you’re going to get access to is worth $$$ and I have no plan to give it away at this price point forever.

That would be utterly foolish.

And my mom raised no fool 😉

Why am I doing this?

Because I have a proven system that works, and I have also been gathering some underground psychological tactics that I am dying to try out on people who have a membership site and are looking to boost their conversions.


You could have the best offer in the world,
the most stellar brand, and a marketing funnel that ticks all the right boxes, but if your sales system falls flat, then you don’t
really have a business.

This audit is meant to lock, seal and stamp your sales systems so that no sale remains unsold and no buyer remains unconvinced.

It’s about making sure that you not only present the price in the best possible manner but also justify it and diffuse all buying pain in the
sales system.

Ready to experiment with me?



A little about me..

“I help heart-centered women entrepreneurs leverage their expertise and generate recurring income. I do this by helping them design, build and launch online programs using the power of psychological triggers, without sacrificing connection.

I am different than anyone out there because that’s all that I do so I am super focused and I know what works right now. I have already helped over 300 women (and a few men) achieve results and scale their business that way.

No 2 online programs are the same and my goal is to help my clients design a unique program that provides an amazing experience to their members so that they will never want to leave.”