Your Growth Assessment is: LEVERAGE

In order to grow coaching practice beyond 1 on 1 work there are 4 key areas that you will need to focus on. I have layed them out below for you in order for you to get started.

Figure out where this new offer fits within your existing business.

Some of the questions you need to ask yourself: - Is the goal of this new program to feed a high ticket program that you want to grow?

- Is the goal of this new program to be more of a backend offer where you continue to support people that have already worked with you?
- Or is this a brand new thing for a new audience?

In order to design this program to work in the long term, it's important that you're really on where it fits with what you are already doing and plan to continue to do in the future.

Leveraging Your Time

Once you're clear on why you want to create that program, the next step is to tackle how you are going to structure it so that it leverages your time.

It's tempting at the beginning to want to give a lot of your time, especially if you're used to doing 1 on 1 work.

But it's important that you set boundaries from the start or you'll be headed for a burnout.

Setting expectations on how much access to you they have, how much content they get is clear to have members that are happy and for you to make this offer scalable.

Leveraging Your Expertise

Leveraging your expertise when you're a coach can sometimes feel tricky, especially if you have the belief that the best way for your clients to get results is if they work with you 1 on 1. 

Leveraging your expertise means to be able to unpack your IP and design a member journey that your typical client goes through as they work with you.

That's why it's key to run a Beta program to validate the idea and the program design quickly so that you can tweak it so it makes for you and for them, before you open the door to more people.

Leveraging Your Systems

Your systems and processes is really was is going to save you time in the longer run.

At the start, you're going to have to do things that don't feel scalable, and it's part of the process of designing a program.

Putting systems in place once you know what works will allow you be able to delegate and automate some of the tasks, which will give you time back AND provide a better experience for your members.

Are you looking for an Accelerator to get this done?

If you’re a coach that is ready to scale beyond 1 on 1 coaching (without necessarily giving it up), you have what it takes to increase your income and your impact from your practice this year while probably working less.

I can show you how with a few strategic steps during your call.

During this call, we will look at where you are right now in your practice, where you want to be in 12 months, and if/how I might be able to support you to achieve that.

Don’t worry this is 100% not a sales call, just the opportunity to explore whether I can help with your unique situation.

In case we haven't met yet.. My name is Nathalie Dorémieux and I am an online program expert, helping established businesses add new revenue stream to their business that grows their impact and their income.

Over the last 6 years I have supported over 300 business owners from all over the world and in many different markets,  in growing their business with online programs.

Whether you are just starting out as a coach or you’ve been around for a while, it is very likely that there is an opportunity to turn your expertise into more impact and more income while getting you some time back.
I say this all the time: we all have a online program (or 2) inside of us. But it will only become successful if you place the success of your clients first. And that means not only providing access to you and your expertise but also creating an environment where your clients engage, thrive and get results.
A place where they feel supported, they are held accountable and they can see their progress.

I have ran over 1000 strategy sessions and gave clarity to many businesses over the years. I am so excited you have taken this first step toward growing your practice. See you inside!
