Have you heard about all the membership models that exist out there? And maybe you a little bit overwhelmed and you're wondering which one would work for you and your business.
Well, if this is you, you're going to love this video I'm going to share with you seven models that will we have identified based on the over 300 memberships that we have built for our clients.
Let's get started.
Model number one is the internal training platform.
So this is the format that you want to use when you have some trainings that either your employees or your team needs to go through.
And you kind of need to have a grasp as to what people are doing, maybe tracking their progress.
And this is basically a centralized place for you to have all your educational materials, whether they are PDFs, videos and things like that.
So that way you can basically track what employees members are doing in terms of ongoing training or maybe onboarding new members.
You can also use that model when you want to sell bulk licensing.
So, for example, we have clients that sell bulk licenses to corporate.
So if they have, like, a leadership training instead of selling one license to a client, the client, which is the corporate, is maybe going to purchase 15, 2050 licenses for all 50 of their employees.
So the corporate client will have a dashboard where they can track their employees progress.
And then each individual employee would have its own login where they can access the training.
So that's model number one, the internal training platform two.
Model number two.
Sorry, is the online education platform.
So this is an online space for teachers that want to sell and teach online, so you can see it has people that are teaching how to paint, how to draw, how to garden.
They can also teach you how to become a coach.
So you do have some of this platform that turn into a certification at the end.
But with this online education, the content is usually dropped, so they don't have access to everything at once.
It's usually mixed with calls or assessments.
You need to really make sure that people are progressing and are getting the proper results before they go on to the next step.
So you can see it really as an online course, but with lots of tracking, accountability and support behind it, so that when they finish the course, you actually know that pretty much 100% of the people have actually finished the education.
Model number three is the start of membership trip.
So this is when you subscribe to a membership and you pay every month, for example, and every month that you pay, you get some type of content that is being dripped to you.
The best examples that I have for this is our client, Alicia Streger, and she has the content marketing social, which is basically a membership where every month she is creating content for professionals in the health industry to help them with their social media, their writing, copy and things like that.
So what she does with this standard membership, she's saving them time.
She's giving them these things that are working and they can just take it as a whitelisted.
They take it and then they make it their own.
So she saves them a lot of time, but also provides them with a lot of accountability into getting their business running month after month of the month.
Model number four is the certification.
So the certification platform is basically a private area where your content is being dripped, usually into modules and lessons.
It usually has some form of assessment and quizzes.
It also usually has some type of calls, maybe either an onboarding call or implementation call or a catch up call right in the middle just to make sure that people are on track with their certification so that there are no surprises at the end.
Usually those platforms have a lot of handholding because of course, people have invested in the platform to be certified, and they should be motivated and committed.
But we want to make sure that on these platforms we provide them with the engagement features and the gamification that is necessary for them to keep staying motivated, quick wins and things like that and feedback on their progress so that they go through the certification until the end.
Model number five is the community.
So this is when you have a membership that is more centered around creating a safe space for people to be around each other and they support each other and basically have somebody to talk to.
But also a place where you can go back and be of service, especially if the community has been helpful to you in the past.
So this community are very, very powerful because people love to be around surrounded by other people.
So if you can create that safe environment for people, you have members for life, if you continue to provide them with that safe space, they create relationship with each other.
Sometimes it turns into business partnerships if your community is around business.
So there are a lot of things that can come out of this community, including programs you launching a course or a paid training on a certain topic where you can go deeper into one specific element.
So with these platforms, community is really at the core.
You do usually have some type of resources and maybe sometimes calls weekly or monthly calls with Q and A's or support calls, office hours and things like that.
But that's the community.
So it's community.
First the people and then some time of training and support to support people into whatever your membership is about.
Model number six is the coaching platform.
So this is for people that are coaching one on one or in groups.
So yes, you can have a coaching platform when you coach one on one, because think of all the emails that you are sending the link to the Dropbox or the Google drive and asking them to download the video before it disappears and all that stuff or sending them resources and things like that.
The goal of this coaching platform is to save you time.
It's to gather all the things where you keep repeating yourself.
And I'm sure if you're a coach, you know what I'm talking about and turn that into some training material that sits inside the platform that you can send people to.
Whether you do one on one coaching or group coaching with several Corps, you can send people to that, and they can consume that at their own pace while you're sleeping on the weekends.
But you continue to educate them beyond the cost.
And that's the key here, because this is where you're going to get clients for life.
If you can provide a platform, an educational platform, a coaching platform that they can go back to to have access to the material, but also have some calls being coached by you either through a group or one on one, then you have clients for life.
So the goal of this platform is to leverage your expertise, save you time, provide a better experience for your clients, and also upsell your clients to your next program.
So if you do group coaching, you can upsell them to one on one, either one on one coaching program or one on one VIP day.
But these people are also your best client to find out what is the next offer that you could create, because those people you've already established trust, they are already here working with you, and they can be the one to tell you what you could be doing next.
If you want to expand your business more than anything else.
With this coaching platform, the impact that you can have is you can ten extra impact with that, right? You can have quite a few cohorts that can even run at the same time.
We have several coaching programs.
We have Dr.
Martavac that we've implemented.
We have Pam Griffith that has her own coaching platform as well.
So these people have been able to leverage the power of having a platform to be able to have hundreds of students going through the coaching platform in some cases, in certification at the end at the same time.
And you can even bring in a set of other coaches that can facilitate some of these groups.
So this is a great way to expand your coaching business if you want to stop trading time for money and be too tied to your calendar, okay.
And then finally, modal number seven is a combo.
Most membership will actually end up having a combination of all of that.
So some membership have a membership site that is just one offer.
So it's an online course.
It's a membership recurring membership.
It's a coaching platform.
But some create what we call an online portal, and that's what we specialize in.
That online portal.
You can have a combination of those.
So think about it.
Say, for example, you are great at bringing people in for a lower price point offer.
So maybe you have a mini course that people get in at a certain price point, and you know how to do that like these are your ideal people.
You know how to bring them in if you bring them in.
1ft inside a platform with this model, that would be the online education platform.
Then from there, by surveying them and figuring out what it is that they want next, maybe you can create a stand out membership, a back end membership where you continue to support them with that course.
Or maybe you create a coaching program because they love your course so much that they want to be certified and they want to teach your method to other people.
So this is the power of this customized membership platform is that they allow you to have more than one program inside, and they can create a synergy around your offers.
So you could ideally have your ideal client go through several programs inside the platform.
So you not only use the platform as an educational platform, but also as a marketing tool to funnel your clients through your different offers.
So you have people that do this really, really well.
Git and Jelly, for example, with a leadership coach.
She works for corporates and then she also works with clients one on one.
And she has several programs from courses to high end coaching programs where she can funnel people through these different offers.
You have Santa Pennington, for example.
She does the same thing again, coaching platform.
But she has three different levels, and she follows people through the different levels.
And of course, she has a one on one in the backend for people that want one on one.
So I hope that you find this helpful that you liked the way I broke down these membership models.
I know very often people talk about the tag, and I really wanted to make it more like realistic with actually, how is this being applied? And that's why I named them this way.
And by the way, we've built over 300 membership sites.
So we've seen quite a few things, and that's how I narrowed it down.
So I hope you enjoyed it.
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And if you're not on YouTube here, please post a comment below as well, so that I can find out which membership model is your favorite of which one you're using.
Or maybe you're using something different that I've never seen.
Why not let me know in the comments.
Thank you.
So much for watching.
And I will see you next time.